Deutsch - Chinesisch Wört... ... Rockmusik (u.E.) (S, Mus) = 摇滚音乐 摇滚音乐 Rockmusik in China (u.E.) (S, Mus) = 中国摇滚乐 中国摇滚乐 Rocky Hill (u.E.) = 岨 岨 ...
rocket tube launcher 火箭发射管
rocket-tube ejector 火箭筒弹射器
rocket-tube ejection 用火箭筒弹射
rocket-tube ejection system 火箭筒弹射系统
fiber glass-reinforced rocket tube 玻璃纤维增强的火箭发动机壳体
rocket launcher tube 火箭发射管
rocket-motor tube 火箭发动机燃烧室
rocket motor tube 火箭发动机燃烧室
Some units were fitted with the Type 68 19-tube 130mm multiple rocket launcher.
This paper established the internal ballistics equation for the high-low pressure launcher with tandem construction when the rocket motor is ignited in the launch tube.
The posture of a rocket in launch tube was calculated and analyzed Basel on the theory of non-linear transient dynamics.